Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice

The Transmission Control Protocol

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The Transmission Control Protocol

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) was initially defined in RFC 793. Several parts of the protocol have been improved since the publication of the original protocol specification [1]. However, the basics of the protocol remain and an implementation that only supports RFC 793 should inter-operate with today’s implementation.

TCP provides a reliable bytestream, connection-oriented transport service on top of the unreliable connectionless network service provided by IP. TCP is used by a large number of applications, including :

  • Email (SMTP, POP, IMAP)
  • World wide web ( HTTP, ...)
  • Most file transfer protocols ( ftp, peer-to-peer file sharing applications , ...)
  • remote computer access : telnet, ssh, X11, VNC, ...
  • non-interactive multimedia applications : flash

On the global Internet, most of the applications used in the wide area rely on TCP. Many studies [2] have reported that TCP was responsible for more than 90% of the data exchanged in the global Internet.

To provide this service, TCP relies on a simple segment format that is shown in the figure below. Each TCP segment contains a header described below and, optionally, a payload. The default length of the TCP header is twenty bytes, but some TCP headers contain options.


TCP header format

A TCP header contains the following fields :

  • Source and destination ports. The source and destination ports play an important role in TCP, as they allow the identification of the connection to which a TCP segment belongs. When a client opens a TCP connection, it typically selects an ephemeral TCP port number as its source port and contacts the server by using the server’s port number. All the segments that are sent by the client on this connection have the same source and destination ports. The server sends segments that contain as source (resp. destination port, the destination (resp. source) port of the segments sent by the client (see figure Utilization of the TCP source and destination ports). A TCP connection is always identified by five pieces of information :

    • the IP address of the client
    • the IP address of the server
    • the port chosen by the client
    • the port chosen by the server
    • TCP
  • the sequence number (32 bits), acknowledgement number (32 bits) and window (16 bits) fields are used to provide a reliable data transfer, using a window-based protocol. In a TCP bytestream, each byte of the stream consumes one sequence number. Their utilisation will be described in more detail in section TCP reliable data transfer

  • the Urgent pointer is used to indicate that some data should be considered as urgent in a TCP bytestream. However, it is rarely used in practice and will not be described here. Additional details about the utilisation of this pointer may be found in RFC 793, RFC 1122 or [Stevens1994]

  • the flags field contains a set of bit flags that indicate how a segment should be interpreted by the TCP entity receiving it :

    • the SYN flag is used during connection establishment
    • the FIN flag is used during connection release
    • the RST is used in case of problems or when an invalid segment has been received
    • when the ACK flag is set, it indicates that the acknowledgment field contains a valid number. Otherwise, the content of the acknowledgment field must be ignored by the receiver
    • the URG flag is used together with the Urgent pointer
    • the PSH flag is used as a notification from the sender to indicate to the receiver that it should pass all the data it has received to the receiving process. However, in practice TCP implementations do not allow TCP users to indicate when the PSH flag should be set and thus there are few real utilizations of this flag.
  • the checksum field contains the value of the Internet checksum computed over the entire TCP segment and a pseudo-header as with UDP

  • the Reserved field was initially reserved for future utilization. It is now used by RFC 3168.

  • the TCP Header Length (THL) or Data Offset field is a four bits field that indicates the size of the TCP header in 32 bit words. The maximum size of the TCP header is thus 64 bytes.

  • the Optional header extension is used to add optional information to the TCP header. Thanks to this header extension, it is possible to add new fields to the TCP header that were not planned in the original specification. This allowed TCP to evolve since the early eighties. The details of the TCP header extension are explained in sections TCP connection establishment and TCP reliable data transfer.


Utilization of the TCP source and destination ports

The rest of this section is organised as follows. We first explain the establishment and the release of a TCP connection, then we discuss the mechanisms that are used by TCP to provide a reliable bytestream service. We end the section with a discussion of network congestion and explain the mechanisms that TCP uses to avoid congestion collapse.

TCP connection establishment

A TCP connection is established by using a three-way handshake. The connection establishment phase uses the sequence number, the acknowledgment number and the SYN flag. When a TCP connection is established, the two communicating hosts negotiate the initial sequence number to be used in both directions of the connection. For this, each TCP entity maintains a 32 bits counter, which is supposed to be incremented by one at least every 4 microseconds and after each connection establishment [3]. When a client host wants to open a TCP connection with a server host, it creates a TCP segment with :

  • the SYN flag set
  • the sequence number set to the current value of the 32 bits counter of the client host’s TCP entity

Upon reception of this segment (which is often called a SYN segment), the server host replies with a segment containing :

  • the SYN flag set
  • the sequence number set to the current value of the 32 bits counter of the server host’s TCP entity
  • the ACK flag set
  • the acknowledgment number set to the sequence number of the received SYN segment incremented by 1 (~mod~2^{32}). When a TCP entity sends a segment having x+1 as acknowledgment number, this indicates that it has received all data up to and including sequence number x and that it is expecting data having sequence number x+1. As the SYN flag was set in a segment having sequence number x, this implies that setting the SYN flag in a segment consumes one sequence number.

This segment is often called a SYN+ACK segment. The acknowledgment confirms to the client that the server has correctly received the SYN segment. The sequence number of the SYN+ACK segment is used by the server host to verify that the client has received the segment. Upon reception of the SYN+ACK segment, the client host replies with a segment containing :

  • the ACK flag set
  • the acknowledgment number set to the sequence number of the received SYN+ACK segment incremented by 1 ( ~mod~2^{32})

At this point, the TCP connection is open and both the client and the server are allowed to send TCP segments containing data. This is illustrated in the figure below.


Establishment of a TCP connection

In the figure above, the connection is considered to be established by the client once it has received the SYN+ACK segment, while the server considers the connection to be established upon reception of the ACK segment. The first data segment sent by the client (server) has its sequence number set to x+1 (resp. y+1).


Computing TCP’s initial sequence number

In the original TCP specification RFC 793, each TCP entity maintained a clock to compute the initial sequence number (ISN) placed in the SYN and SYN+ACK segments. This made the ISN predictable and caused a security issue. The typical security problem was the following. Consider a server that trusts a host based on its IP address and allows the system administrator to login from this host without giving a password [4]. Consider now an attacker who knows this particular configuration and is able to send IP packets having the client’s address as source. He can send fake TCP segments to the server, but does not receive the server’s answers. If he can predict the ISN that is chosen by the server, he can send a fake SYN segment and shortly after the fake ACK segment confirming the reception of the SYN+ACK segment sent by the server. Once the TCP connection is open, he can use it to send any command to the server. To counter this attack, current TCP implementations add randomness to the ISN. One of the solutions, proposed in RFC 1948 is to compute the ISN as

ISN = M + H(localhost, localport, remotehost, remoteport, secret).

where M is the current value of the TCP clock and H`is a cryptographic hash function. `localhost and remotehost (resp. localport and remoteport ) are the IP addresses (port numbers) of the local and remote host and secret is a random number only known by the server. This method allows the server to use different ISNs for different clients at the same time. Measurements performed with the first implementations of this technique showed that it was difficult to implement it correctly, but today’s TCP implementation now generate good ISNs.

A server could, of course, refuse to open a TCP connection upon reception of a SYN segment. This refusal may be due to various reasons. There may be no server process that is listening on the destination port of the SYN segment. The server could always refuse connection establishments from this particular client (e.g. due to security reasons) or the server may not have enough resources to accept a new TCP connection at that time. In this case, the server would reply with a TCP segment having its RST flag set and containing the sequence number of the received SYN segment as its acknowledgment number. This is illustrated in the figure below. We discuss the other utilizations of the TCP RST flag later (see TCP connection release).


TCP connection establishment rejected by peer

TCP connection establishment can be described as the four state Finite State Machine shown below. In this FSM, !X (resp. ?Y) indicates the transmission of segment X (resp. reception of segment Y) during the corresponding transition. Init is the initial state.


TCP FSM for connection establishment

A client host starts in the Init state. It then sends a SYN segment and enters the SYN Sent state where it waits for a SYN+ACK segment. Then, it replies with an ACK segment and enters the Established state where data can be exchanged. On the other hand, a server host starts in the Init state. When a server process starts to listen to a destination port, the underlying TCP entity creates a TCP control block and a queue to process incoming SYN segments. Upon reception of a SYN segment, the server’s TCP entity replies with a SYN+ACK and enters the SYN RCVD state. It remains in this state until it receives an ACK segment that acknowledges its SYN+ACK segment, with this it then enters the Established state.

Apart from these two paths in the TCP connection establishment FSM, there is a third path that corresponds to the case when both the client and the server send a SYN segment to open a TCP connection [5]. In this case, the client and the server send a SYN segment and enter the SYN Sent state. Upon reception of the SYN segment sent by the other host, they reply by sending a SYN+ACK segment and enter the SYN RCVD state. The SYN+ACK that arrives from the other host allows it to transition to the Established state. The figure below illustrates such a simultaneous establishment of a TCP connection.


Simultaneous establishment of a TCP connection

Denial of Service attacks

When a TCP entity opens a TCP connection, it creates a Transmission Control Block (TCB). The TCB contains the entire state that is maintained by the TCP entity for each TCP connection. During connection establishment, the TCB contains the local IP address, the remote IP address, the local port number, the remote port number, the current local sequence number, the last sequence number received from the remote entity. Until the mid 1990s, TCP implementations had a limit on the number of TCP connections that could be in the SYN RCVD state at a given time. Many implementations set this limit to about 100 TCBs. This limit was considered sufficient even for heavily load http servers given the small delay between the reception of a SYN segment and the reception of the ACK segment that terminates the establishment of the TCP connection. When the limit of 100 TCBs in the SYN Rcvd state is reached, the TCP entity discards all received TCP SYN segments that do not correspond to an existing TCB.

This limit of 100 TCBs in the SYN Rcvd state was chosen to protect the TCP entity from the risk of overloading its memory with too many TCBs in the SYN Rcvd state. However, it was also the reason for a new type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack RFC 4987. A DoS attack is defined as an attack where an attacker can render a resource unavailable in the network. For example, an attacker may cause a DoS attack on a 2 Mbps link used by a company by sending more than 2 Mbps of packets through this link. In this case, the DoS attack was more subtle. As a TCP entity discards all received SYN segments as soon as it has 100 TCBs in the SYN Rcvd state, an attacker simply had to send a few 100 SYN segments every second to a server and never reply to the received SYN+ACK segments. To avoid being caught, attackers were of course sending these SYN segments with a different address than their own IP address [6]. On most TCP implementations, once a TCB entered the SYN Rcvd state, it remained in this state for several seconds, waiting for a retransmission of the initial SYN segment. This attack was later called a SYN flood attack and the servers of the ISP named panix were among the first to be affected by this attack.

To avoid the SYN flood attacks, recent TCP implementations no longer enter the SYN Rcvd state upon reception of a SYN segment. Instead, they reply directly with a SYN+ACK segment and wait until the reception of a valid ACK. This implementation trick is only possible if the TCP implementation is able to verify that the received ACK segment acknowledges the SYN+ACK segment sent earlier without storing the initial sequence number of this SYN+ACK segment in a TCB. The solution to solve this problem, which is known as SYN cookies is to compute the 32 bits of the ISN as follows :

  • the high order bits contain the low order bits of a counter that is incremented slowly
  • the low order bits contain a hash value computed over the local and remote IP addresses and ports and a random secret only known to the server

The advantage of the SYN cookies is that by using them, the server does not need to create a TCB upon reception of the SYN segment and can still check the returned ACK segment by recomputing the SYN cookie. The main disadvantage is that they are not fully compatible with the TCP options. This is why they are not enabled by default on a typical system.

Retransmitting the first SYN segment

As IP provides an unreliable connectionless service, the SYN and SYN+ACK segments sent to open a TCP connection could be lost. Current TCP implementations start a retransmission timer when they send the first SYN segment. This timer is often set to three seconds for the first retransmission and then doubles after each retransmission RFC 2988. TCP implementations also enforce a maximum number of retransmissions for the initial SYN segment.

As explained earlier, TCP segments may contain an optional header extension. In the SYN and SYN+ACK segments, these options are used to negotiate some parameters and the utilisation of extensions to the basic TCP specification.

The first parameter which is negotiated during the establishment of a TCP connection is the Maximum Segment Size (MSS). The MSS is the size of the largest segment that a TCP entity is able to process. According to RFC 879, all TCP implementations must be able to receive TCP segments containing 536 bytes of payload. However, most TCP implementations are able to process larger segments. Such TCP implementations use the TCP MSS Option in the SYN/SYN+ACK segment to indicate the largest segment they are able to process. The MSS value indicates the maximum size of the payload of the TCP segments. The client (resp. server) stores in its TCB the MSS value announced by the server (resp. the client).

Another utilisation of TCP options during connection establishment is to enable TCP extensions. For example, consider RFC 1323 (which is discussed in TCP reliable data transfer). RFC 1323 defines TCP extensions to support timestamps and larger windows. If the client supports RFC 1323, it adds a RFC 1323 option to its SYN segment. If the server understands this RFC 1323 option and wishes to use it, it replies with an RFC 1323 option in the SYN+ACK segment and the extension defined in RFC 1323 is used throughout the TCP connection. Otherwise, if the server’s SYN+ACK does not contain the RFC 1323 option, the client is not allowed to use this extension and the corresponding TCP header options throughout the TCP connection. TCP’s option mechanism is flexible and it allows the extension of TCP while maintaining compatibility with older implementations.

The TCP options are encoded by using a Type Length Value format where :

  • the first byte indicates the type of the option.
  • the second byte indicates the total length of the option (including the first two bytes) in bytes
  • the last bytes are specific for each type of option

RFC 793 defines the Maximum Segment Size (MSS) TCP option that must be understood by all TCP implementations. This option (type 2) has a length of 4 bytes and contains a 16 bits word that indicates the MSS supported by the sender of the SYN segment. The MSS option can only be used in TCP segments having the SYN flag set.

RFC 793 also defines two special options that must be supported by all TCP implementations. The first option is End of option. It is encoded as a single byte having value 0x00 and can be used to ensure that the TCP header extension ends on a 32 bits boundary. The No-Operation option, encoded as a single byte having value 0x01, can be used when the TCP header extension contains several TCP options that should be aligned on 32 bit boundaries. All other options [7] are encoded by using the TLV format.


The robustness principle

The handling of the TCP options by TCP implementations is one of the many applications of the robustness principle which is usually attributed to Jon Postel and is often quoted as “Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send” RFC 1122

Concerning the TCP options, the robustness principle implies that a TCP implementation should be able to accept TCP options that it does not understand, in particular in received SYN segments, and that it should be able to parse any received segment without crashing, even if the segment contains an unknown TCP option. Furthermore, a server should not send in the SYN+ACK segment or later, options that have not been proposed by the client in the SYN segment.

TCP connection release

TCP, like most connection-oriented transport protocols, supports two types of connection release :

  • graceful connection release, where each TCP user can release its own direction of data transfer
  • abrupt connection release, where either one user closes both directions of data transfer or one TCP entity is forced to close the connection (e.g. because the remote host does not reply anymore or due to lack of resources)

The abrupt connection release mechanism is very simple and relies on a single segment having the RST bit set. A TCP segment containing the RST bit can be sent for the following reasons :

  • a non-SYN segment was received for a non-existing TCP connection RFC 793
  • by extension, some implementations respond with an RST segment to a segment that is received on an existing connection but with an invalid header RFC 3360. This causes the corresponding connection to be closed and has caused security attacks RFC 4953
  • by extension, some implementations send an RST segment when they need to close an existing TCP connection (e.g. because there are not enough resources to support this connection or because the remote host is considered to be unreachable). Measurements have shown that this usage of TCP RST was widespread [AW05]

When an RST segment is sent by a TCP entity, it should contain the current value of the sequence number for the connection (or 0 if it does not belong to any existing connection) and the acknowledgement number should be set to the next expected in-sequence sequence number on this connection.


TCP RST wars

TCP implementers should ensure that two TCP entities never enter a TCP RST war where host A is sending a RST segment in response to a previous RST segment that was sent by host B in response to a TCP RST segment sent by host A ... To avoid such an infinite exchange of RST segments that do not carry data, a TCP entity is never allowed to send a RST segment in response to another RST segment.

The normal way of terminating a TCP connection is by using the graceful TCP connection release. This mechanism uses the FIN flag of the TCP header and allows each host to release its own direction of data transfer. As for the SYN flag, the utilisation of the FIN flag in the TCP header consumes one sequence number. The figure FSM for TCP connection release shows the part of the TCP FSM used when a TCP connection is released.


FSM for TCP connection release

Starting from the Established state, there are two main paths through this FSM.

The first path is when the host receives a segment with sequence number x and the FIN flag set. The utilisation of the FIN flag indicates that the byte before sequence number x was the last byte of the byte stream sent by the remote host. Once all of the data has been delivered to the user, the TCP entity sends an ACK segment whose ack field is set to ~(x+1)~mod~2^{32} to acknowledge the FIN segment. The FIN segment is subject to the same retransmission mechanisms as a normal TCP segment. In particular, its transmission is protected by the retransmission timer. At this point, the TCP connection enters the CLOSE_WAIT state. In this state, the host can still send data to the remote host. Once all its data have been sent, it sends a FIN segment and enter the LAST_ACK state. In this state, the TCP entity waits for the acknowledgement of its FIN segment. It may still retransmit unacknowledged data segments e.g. if the retransmission timer expires. Upon reception of the acknowledgement for the FIN segment, the TCP connection is completely closed and its TCB can be discarded.

The second path is when the host decides first to send a FIN segment. In this case, it enters the FIN_WAIT1 state. It this state, it can retransmit unacknowledged segments but cannot send new data segments. It waits for an acknowledgement of its FIN segment, but may receive a FIN segment sent by the remote host. In the first case, the TCP connection enters the FIN_WAIT2 state. In this state, new data segments from the remote host are still accepted until the reception of the FIN segment. The acknowledgement for this FIN segment is sent once all data received before the FIN segment have been delivered to the user and the connection enters the TIME_WAIT state. In the second case, a FIN segment is received and the connection enters the Closing state once all data received from the remote host have been delivered to the user. In this state, no new data segments can be sent and the host waits for an acknowledgement of its FIN segment before entering the TIME_WAIT state.

The TIME_WAIT state is different from the other states of the TCP FSM. A TCP entity enters this state after having sent the last ACK segment on a TCP connection. This segment indicates to the remote host that all the data that it has sent have been correctly received and that it can safely release the TCP connection and discard the corresponding TCB. After having sent the last ACK segment, a TCP connection enters the TIME_WAIT and remains in this state for 2*MSL seconds. During this period, the TCB of the connection is maintained. This ensures that the TCP entity that sent the last ACK maintains enough state to be able to retransmit this segment if this ACK segment is lost and the remote host retransmits its last FIN segment or another one. The delay of 2*MSL seconds ensures that any duplicate segments on the connection would be handled correctly without causing the transmission of an RST segment. Without the TIME_WAIT state and the 2*MSL seconds delay, the connection release would not be graceful when the last ACK segment is lost.


TIME_WAIT on busy TCP servers

The 2*MSL seconds delay in the TIME_WAIT state is an important operational problem on servers having thousands of simultaneously opened TCP connections [FTY99]. Consider for example a busy web server that processes 10.000 TCP connections every second. If each of these connections remain in the TIME_WAIT state for 4 minutes, this implies that the server would have to maintain more than 2 million TCBs at any time. For this reason, some TCP implementations prefer to perform an abrupt connection release by sending a RST segment to close the connection [AW05] and immediately discard the corresponding TCB. However, if the RST segment is lost, the remote host continues to maintain a TCB for a connection no longer exists. This optimisation reduces the number of TCBs maintained by the host sending the RST segment but at the potential cost of increased processing on the remote host when the RST segment is lost.

TCP reliable data transfer

The original TCP data transfer mechanisms were defined in RFC 793. Based on the experience of using TCP on the growing global Internet, this part of the TCP specification has been updated and improved several times, always while preserving the backward compatibility with older TCP implementations. In this section, we review the main data transfer mechanisms used by TCP.

TCP is a window-based transport protocol that provides a bi-directional byte stream service. This has several implications on the fields of the TCP header and the mechanisms used by TCP. The three fields of the TCP header are :

  • sequence number. TCP uses a 32 bits sequence number. The sequence number placed in the header of a TCP segment containing data is the sequence number of the first byte of the payload of the TCP segment.
  • acknowledgement number. TCP uses cumulative positive acknowledgements. Each TCP segment contains the sequence number of the next byte that the sender of the acknowledgement expects to receive from the remote host. In theory, the acknowledgement number is only valid if the ACK flag of the TCP header is set. In practice almost all [8] TCP segments have their ACK flag set.
  • window. a TCP receiver uses this 16 bits field to indicate the current size of its receive window expressed in bytes.


The Transmission Control Block

For each established TCP connection, a TCP implementation must maintain a Transmission Control Block (TCB). A TCB contains all the information required to send and receive segments on this connection RFC 793. This includes [9] :

  • the local IP address
  • the remote IP address
  • the local TCP port number
  • the remote TCP port number
  • the current state of the TCP FSM
  • the maximum segment size (MSS)
  • snd.nxt : the sequence number of the next byte in the byte stream (the first byte of a new data segment that you send uses this sequence number)
  • snd.una : the earliest sequence number that has been sent but has not yet been acknowledged
  • snd.wnd : the current size of the sending window (in bytes)
  • rcv.nxt : the sequence number of the next byte that is expected to be received from the remote host
  • rcv.wnd : the current size of the receive window advertised by the remote host
  • sending buffer : a buffer used to store all unacknowledged data
  • receiving buffer : a buffer to store all data received from the remote host that has not yet been delivered to the user. Data may be stored in the receiving buffer because either it was not received in sequence or because the user is too slow to process it

The original TCP specification can be categorised as a transport protocol that provides a byte stream service and uses go-back-n.

To send new data on an established connection, a TCP entity performs the following operations on the corresponding TCB. It first checks that the sending buffer does not contain more data than the receive window advertised by the remote host (rcv.wnd). If the window is not full, up to MSS bytes of data are placed in the payload of a TCP segment. The sequence number of this segment is the sequence number of the first byte of the payload. It is set to the first available sequence number : snd.nxt and snd.nxt is incremented by the length of the payload of the TCP segment. The acknowledgement number of this segment is set to the current value of rcv.nxt and the window field of the TCP segment is computed based on the current occupancy of the receiving buffer. The data is kept in the sending buffer in case it needs to be retransmitted later.

When a TCP segment with the ACK flag set is received, the following operations are performed. rcv.wnd is set to the value of the window field of the received segment. The acknowledgement number is compared to snd.una. The newly acknowledged data is remove from the sending buffer and snd.una is updated. If the TCP segment contained data, the sequence number is compared to rcv.nxt. If they are equal, the segment was received in sequence and the data can be delivered to the user and rcv.nxt is updated. The contents of the receiving buffer is checked to see whether other data already present in this buffer can be delivered in sequence to the user. If so, rcv.nxt is updated again. Otherwise, the segment’s payload is placed in the receiving buffer.

Segment transmission strategies

In a transport protocol such as TCP that offers a bytestream, a practical issue that was left as an implementation choice in RFC 793 is to decide when a new TCP segment containing data must be sent. There are two simple and extreme implementation choices. The first implementation choice is to send a TCP segment as soon as the user has requested the transmission of some data. This allows TCP to provide a low delay service. However, if the user is sending data one byte at a time, TCP would place each user byte in a segment containing 20 bytes of TCP header [11]. This is a huge overhead that is not acceptable in wide area networks. A second simple solution would be to only transmit a new TCP segment once the user has produced MSS bytes of data. This solution reduces the overhead, but at the cost of a potentially very high delay.

An elegant solution to this problem was proposed by John Nagle in RFC 896. John Nagle observed that the overhead caused by the TCP header was a problem in wide area connections, but less in local area connections where the available bandwidth is usually higher. He proposed the following rules to decide to send a new data segment when a new data has been produced by the user or a new ack segment has been received

if rcv.wnd>= MSS and len(data) >= MSS :
  send one MSS-sized segment
  if there are unacknowledged data:
    place data in buffer until acknowledgement has been received
    send one TCP segment containing all buffered data

The first rule ensures that a TCP connection used for bulk data transfer always sends full TCP segments. The second rule sends one partially filled TCP segment every round-trip-time.

This algorithm, called the Nagle algorithm, takes a few lines of code in all TCP implementations. These lines of code have a huge impact on the packets that are exchanged in TCP/IP networks. Researchers have analysed the distribution of the packet sizes by capturing and analysing all the packets passing through a given link. These studies have shown several important results :

  • in TCP/IPv4 networks, a large fraction of the packets are TCP segments that contain only an acknowledgement. These packets usually account for 40-50% of the packets passing through the studied link
  • in TCP/IPv4 networks, most of the bytes are exchanged in long packets, usually packets containing up to 1460 bytes of payload which is the default MSS for hosts attached to an Ethernet network, the most popular type of LAN

The figure below provides a distribution of the packet sizes measured on a link. It shows a three-modal distribution of the packet size. 50% of the packets contain pure TCP acknowledgements and occupy 40 bytes. About 20% of the packets contain about 500 bytes [12] of user data and 12% of the packets contain 1460 bytes of user data. However, most of the user data is transported in large packets. This packet size distribution has implications on the design of routers as we discuss in the next chapter.


Packet size distribution in the Internet

Recent measurements indicate that these packet size distributions are still valid in today’s Internet, although the packet distribution tends to become bimodal with small packets corresponding to TCP pure acks (40-64 bytes depending on the utilisation of TCP options) and large 1460-bytes packets carrying most of the user data.

TCP windows

From a performance point of view, one of the main limitations of the original TCP specification is the 16 bits window field in the TCP header. As this field indicates the current size of the receive window in bytes, it limits the TCP receive window at 65535 bytes. This limitation was not a severe problem when TCP was designed since at that time high-speed wide area networks offered a maximum bandwidth of 56 kbps. However, in today’s network, this limitation is not acceptable anymore. The table below provides the rough [13] maximum throughput that can be achieved by a TCP connection with a 64 KBytes window in function of the connection’s round-trip-time

RTT Maximum Throughput
1 msec 524 Mbps
10 msec 52.4 Mbps
100 msec 5.24 Mbps
500 msec 1.05 Mbps

To solve this problem, a backward compatible extension that allows TCP to use larger receive windows was proposed in RFC 1323. Today, most TCP implementations support this option. The basic idea is that instead of storing snd.wnd and rcv.wnd as 16 bits integers in the TCB, they should be stored as 32 bits integers. As the TCP segment header only contains 16 bits to place the window field, it is impossible to copy the value of snd.wnd in each sent TCP segment. Instead the header contains snd.wnd >> S where S is the scaling factor ( 0 \le S \le 14) negotiated during connection establishment. The client adds its proposed scaling factor as a TCP option in the SYN segment. If the server supports RFC 1323, it places in the SYN+ACK segment the scaling factor that it uses when advertising its own receive window. The local and remote scaling factors are included in the TCB. If the server does not support RFC 1323, it ignores the received option and no scaling is applied.

By using the window scaling extensions defined in RFC 1323, TCP implementations can use a receive buffer of up to 1 GByte. With such a receive buffer, the maximum throughput that can be achieved by a single TCP connection becomes :

RTT Maximum Throughput
1 msec 8590 Gbps
10 msec 859 Gbps
100 msec 86 Gbps
500 msec 17 Gbps

These throughputs are acceptable in today’s networks. However, there are already servers having 10 Gbps interfaces... Early TCP implementations had fixed receiving and sending buffers [14]. Today’s high performance implementations are able to automatically adjust the size of the sending and receiving buffer to better support high bandwidth flows [SMM1998]

TCP’s retransmission timeout

In a go-back-n transport protocol such as TCP, the retransmission timeout must be correctly set in order to achieve good performance. If the retransmission timeout expires too early, then bandwidth is wasted by retransmitting segments that have already been correctly received; whereas if the retransmission timeout expires too late, then bandwidth is wasted because the sender is idle waiting for the expiration of its retransmission timeout.

A good setting of the retransmission timeout clearly depends on an accurate estimation of the round-trip-time of each TCP connection. The round-trip-time differs between TCP connections, but may also change during the lifetime of a single connection. For example, the figure below shows the evolution of the round-trip-time between two hosts during a period of 45 seconds.


Evolution of the round-trip-time between two hosts

The easiest solution to measure the round-trip-time on a TCP connection is to measure the delay between the transmission of a data segment and the reception of a corresponding acknowledgement [15]. As illustrated in the figure below, this measurement works well when there are no segment losses.


How to measure the round-trip-time ?

However, when a data segment is lost, as illustrated in the bottom part of the figure, the measurement is ambiguous as the sender cannot determine whether the received acknowledgement was triggered by the first transmission of segment 123 or its retransmission. Using incorrect round-trip-time estimations could lead to incorrect values of the retransmission timeout. For this reason, Phil Karn and Craig Partridge proposed, in [KP91], to ignore the round-trip-time measurements performed during retransmissions.

To avoid this ambiguity in the estimation of the round-trip-time when segments are retransmitted, recent TCP implementations rely on the timestamp option defined in RFC 1323. This option allows a TCP sender to place two 32 bit timestamps in each TCP segment that it sends. The first timestamp, TS Value (TSval) is chosen by the sender of the segment. It could for example be the current value of its real-time clock [16]. The second value, TS Echo Reply (TSecr), is the last TSval that was received from the remote host and stored in the TCB. The figure below shows how the utilization of this timestamp option allows for the disambiguation of the round-trip-time measurement when there are retransmissions.


Disambiguating round-trip-time measurements with the RFC 1323 timestamp option

Once the round-trip-time measurements have been collected for a given TCP connection, the TCP entity must compute the retransmission timeout. As the round-trip-time measurements may change during the lifetime of a connection, the retransmission timeout may also change. At the beginning of a connection [17] , the TCP entity that sends a SYN segment does not know the round-trip-time to reach the remote host and the initial retransmission timeout is usually set to 3 seconds RFC 2988.

The original TCP specification proposed in RFC 793 to include two additional variables in the TCB :

  • srtt : the smoothed round-trip-time computed as srrt=(\alpha \times srtt)+( (1-\alpha) \times rtt) where rtt is the round-trip-time measured according to the above procedure and \alpha a smoothing factor (e.g. 0.8 or 0.9)
  • rto : the retransmission timeout is computed as rto=min(60,max(1,\beta \times srtt)) where \beta is used to take into account the delay variance (value : 1.3 to 2.0). The 60 and 1 constants are used to ensure that the rto is not larger than one minute nor smaller than 1 second.

However, in practice, this computation for the retransmission timeout did not work well. The main problem was that the computed rto did not correctly take into account the variations in the measured round-trip-time. Van Jacobson proposed in his seminal paper [Jacobson1988] an improved algorithm to compute the rto and implemented it in the BSD Unix distribution. This algorithm is now part of the TCP standard RFC 2988.

Jacobson’s algorithm uses two state variables, srtt the smoothed rtt and rttvar the estimation of the variance of the rtt and two parameters : \alpha and \beta. When a TCP connection starts, the first rto is set to 3 seconds. When a first estimation of the rtt is available, the srtt, rttvar and rto are computed as


Then, when other rtt measurements are collected, srtt and rttvar are updated as follows :

rttvar=(1-\beta) \times rttvar + \beta \times |srtt - rtt|

srtt=(1-\alpha) \times srtt + \alpha \times rtt

rto=srtt + 4 \times rttvar

The proposed values for the parameters are \alpha=\frac{1}{8} and \beta=\frac{1}{4}. This allows a TCP implementation, implemented in the kernel, to perform the rtt computation by using shift operations instead of the more costly floating point operations [Jacobson1988]. The figure below illustrates the computation of the rto upon rtt changes.


Example computation of the rto

Advanced retransmission strategies

The default go-back-n retransmission strategy was defined in RFC 793. When the retransmission timer expires, TCP retransmits the first unacknowledged segment (i.e. the one having sequence number snd.una). After each expiration of the retransmission timeout, RFC 2988 recommends to double the value of the retransmission timeout. This is called an exponential backoff. This doubling of the retransmission timeout after a retransmission was included in TCP to deal with issues such as network/receiver overload and incorrect initial estimations of the retransmission timeout. If the same segment is retransmitted several times, the retransmission timeout is doubled after every retransmission until it reaches a configured maximum. RFC 2988 suggests a maximum retransmission timeout of at least 60 seconds. Once the retransmission timeout reaches this configured maximum, the remote host is considered to be unreachable and the TCP connection is closed.

This retransmission strategy has been refined based on the experience of using TCP on the Internet. The first refinement was a clarification of the strategy used to send acknowledgements. As TCP uses piggybacking, the easiest and less costly method to send acknowledgements is to place them in the data segments sent in the other direction. However, few application layer protocols exchange data in both directions at the same time and thus this method rarely works. For an application that is sending data segments in one direction only, the remote TCP entity returns empty TCP segments whose only useful information is their acknowledgement number. This may cause a large overhead in wide area network if a pure ACK segment is sent in response to each received data segment. Most TCP implementations use a delayed acknowledgement strategy. This strategy ensures that piggybacking is used whenever possible, otherwise pure ACK segments are sent for every second received data segments when there are no losses. When there are losses or reordering, ACK segments are more important for the sender and they are sent immediately RFC 813 RFC 1122. This strategy relies on a new timer with a short delay (e.g. 50 milliseconds) and one additional flag in the TCB. It can be implemented as follows

reception of a data segment:
   if pkt.seq==rcv.nxt:   # segment received in sequence
      if delayedack :
         send pure ack segment
         cancel acktimer
         start acktimer
   else:                      # out of sequence segment
      send pure ack segment
      if delayedack:
         cancel acktimer

transmission of a data segment:  # piggyback ack
   if delayedack:
      cancel acktimer

acktimer expiration:
   send pure ack segment

Due to this delayed acknowledgement strategy, during a bulk transfer, a TCP implementation usually acknowledges every second TCP segment received.

The default go-back-n retransmission strategy used by TCP has the advantage of being simple to implement, in particular on the receiver side, but when there are losses, a go-back-n strategy provides a lower performance than a selective repeat strategy. The TCP developers have designed several extensions to TCP to allow it to use a selective repeat strategy while maintaining backward compatibility with older TCP implementations. These TCP extensions assume that the receiver is able to buffer the segments that it receives out-of-sequence.

The first extension that was proposed is the fast retransmit heuristic. This extension can be implemented on TCP senders and thus does not require any change to the protocol. It only assumes that the TCP receiver is able to buffer out-of-sequence segments.

From a performance point of view, one issue with TCP’s retransmission timeout is that when there are isolated segment losses, the TCP sender often remains idle waiting for the expiration of its retransmission timeouts. Such isolated losses are frequent in the global Internet [Paxson99]. A heuristic to deal with isolated losses without waiting for the expiration of the retransmission timeout has been included in many TCP implementations since the early 1990s. To understand this heuristic, let us consider the figure below that shows the segments exchanged over a TCP connection when an isolated segment is lost.


Detecting isolated segment losses

As shown above, when an isolated segment is lost the sender receives several duplicate acknowledgements since the TCP receiver immediately sends a pure acknowledgement when it receives an out-of-sequence segment. A duplicate acknowledgement is an acknowledgement that contains the same acknowledgement number as a previous segment. A single duplicate acknowledgement does not necessarily imply that a segment was lost, as a simple reordering of the segments may cause duplicate acknowledgements as well. Measurements [Paxson99] have shown that segment reordering is frequent in the Internet. Based on these observations, the fast retransmit heuristic has been included in most TCP implementations. It can be implemented as follows

ack arrival:
    if tcp.ack==snd.una:    # duplicate acknowledgement
       if dupacks==3:
          retransmit segment(snd.una)
       # process acknowledgement

This heuristic requires an additional variable in the TCB (dupacks). Most implementations set the default number of duplicate acknowledgements that trigger a retransmission to 3. It is now part of the standard TCP specification RFC 2581. The fast retransmit heuristic improves the TCP performance provided that isolated segments are lost and the current window is large enough to allow the sender to send three duplicate acknowledgements.

The figure below illustrates the operation of the fast retransmit heuristic.


TCP fast retransmit heuristics

When losses are not isolated or when the windows are small, the performance of the fast retransmit heuristic decreases. In such environments, it is necessary to allow a TCP sender to use a selective repeat strategy instead of the default go-back-n strategy. Implementing selective-repeat requires a change to the TCP protocol as the receiver needs to be able to inform the sender of the out-of-order segments that it has already received. This can be done by using the Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) option defined in RFC 2018. This TCP option is negotiated during the establishment of a TCP connection. If both TCP hosts support the option, SACK blocks can be attached by the receiver to the segments that it sends. SACK blocks allow a TCP receiver to indicate the blocks of data that it has received correctly but out of sequence. The figure below illustrates the utilisation of the SACK blocks.


TCP selective acknowledgements

An SACK option contains one or more blocks. A block corresponds to all the sequence numbers between the left edge and the right edge of the block. The two edges of the block are encoded as 32 bit numbers (the same size as the TCP sequence number) in an SACK option. As the SACK option contains one byte to encode its type and one byte for its length, a SACK option containing b blocks is encoded as a sequence of 2+8 \times b bytes. In practice, the size of the SACK option can be problematic as the optional TCP header extension cannot be longer than 44 bytes. As the SACK option is usually combined with the RFC 1323 timestamp extension, this implies that a TCP segment cannot usually contain more than three SACK blocks. This limitation implies that a TCP receiver cannot always place in the SACK option that it sends, information about all the received blocks.

To deal with the limited size of the SACK option, a TCP receiver currently having more than 3 blocks inside its receiving buffer must select the blocks to place in the SACK option. A good heuristic is to put in the SACK option the blocks that have most recently changed, as the sender is likely to be already aware of the older blocks.

When a sender receives an SACK option indicating a new block and thus a new possible segment loss, it usually does not retransmit the missing segment(s immediately. To deal with reordering, a TCP sender can use a heuristic similar to fast retransmit by retransmitting a gap only once it has received three SACK options indicating this gap. It should be noted that the SACK option does not supersede the acknowledgement number of the TCP header. A TCP sender can only remove data from its sending buffer once they have been acknowledged by TCP’s cumulative acknowledgements. This design was chosen for two reasons. First, it allows the receiver to discard parts of its receiving buffer when it is running out of memory without loosing data. Second, as the SACK option is not transmitted reliably, the cumulative acknowledgements are still required to deal with losses of ACK segments carrying only SACK information. Thus, the SACK option only serves as a hint to allow the sender to optimise its retransmissions.

TCP congestion control

In the previous sections, we have explained the mechanisms that TCP uses to deal with transmission errors and segment losses. In a heterogeneous network such as the Internet or enterprise IP networks, endsystems have very different levels of performance. Some endsystems are high-end servers attached to 10 Gbps links while others are mobile devices attached to a very low bandwidth wireless link. Despite these huge differences in performance, a mobile device should be able to efficiently exchange segments with a high-end server.

To understand this problem better, let us consider the scenario shown in the figure below, where a server (A) attached to a 10 Mbps link is sending TCP segments to another computer (C) through a path that contains a 2 Mbps link.


TCP over heterogeneous links

In this network, the TCP segments sent by the server reach router R1. R1 forwards the segments towards router R2. Router R2 can potentially receive segments at 10 Mbps, but it can only forward them at 2 Mbps to router R2 and then to host C. Router R2 contains buffers that allow it to store the packets that cannot immediately be forwarded to their destination. To understand the operation of TCP in this environment, let us consider a simplified model of this network where host A is attached to a 10 Mbps link to a queue that represents the buffers of router R2. This queue is emptied at a rate of 2 Mbps.


TCP self clocking

Let us consider that host A uses a window of three segments. It thus sends three back-to-back segments at 10 Mbps and then waits for an acknowledgement. Host A stops sending segments when its window is full. These segments reach the buffers of router R2. The first segment stored in this buffer is sent by router R2 at a rate of 2 Mbps to the destination host. Upon reception of this segment, the destination sends an acknowledgement. This acknowledgement allows host A to transmit a new segment. This segment is stored in the buffers of router R2 while it is transmitting the second segment that was sent by host A... Thus, after the transmission of the first window of segments, TCP sends one data segment after the reception of each acknowledgement returned by the destination [18] . In practice, the acknowledgements sent by the destination serve as a kind of clock that allows the sending host to adapt its transmission rate to the rate at which segments are received by the destination. This TCP self-clocking is the first mechanism that allows TCP to adapt to heterogeneous networks [Jacobson1988]. It depends on the availability of buffers to store the segments that have been sent by the sender but have not yet been transmitted to the destination.

However, TCP is not always used in this environment. In the global Internet, TCP is used in networks where a large number of hosts send segments to a large number of receivers. For example, let us consider the network depicted below which is similar to the one discussed in [Jacobson1988] and RFC 896. In this network, we assume that the buffers of the router are infinite to ensure that no packet is lost.


The congestion collapse problem

If many TCP senders are attached to the left part of the network above, they all send a window full of segments. These segments are stored in the buffers of the router before being transmitted towards their destination. If there are many senders on the left part of the network, the occupancy of the buffers quickly grows. A consequence of the buffer occupancy is that the round-trip-time, measured by TCP, between the sender and the receiver increases. Consider a network where 10,000 bits segments are sent. When the buffer is empty, such a segment requires 1 millisecond to be transmitted on the 10 Mbps link and 5 milliseconds to be the transmitted on the 2 Mbps link. Thus, the round-trip-time measured by TCP is roughly 6 milliseconds if we ignore the propagation delay on the links. Most routers manage their buffers as a FIFO queue [19]. If the buffer contains 100 segments, the round-trip-time becomes 1+100 \times 5+ 5 milliseconds as new segments are only transmitted on the 2 Mbps link once all previous segments have been transmitted. Unfortunately, TCP uses a retransmission timer and performs go-back-n to recover from transmission errors. If the buffer occupancy is high, TCP assumes that some segments have been lost and retransmits a full window of segments. This increases the occupancy of the buffer and the delay through the buffer... Furthermore, the buffer may store and send on the low bandwidth links several retransmissions of the same segment. This problem is called congestion collapse. It occurred several times in the late 1980s. For example, [Jacobson1988] notes that in 1986, the usable bandwidth of a 32 Kbits link dropped to 40 bits per second due to congestion collapse [20] !

The congestion collapse is a problem that all heterogeneous networks face. Different mechanisms have been proposed in the scientific literature to avoid or control network congestion. Some of them have been implemented and deployed in real networks. To understand this problem in more detail, let us first consider a simple network with two hosts attached to a high bandwidth link that are sending segments to destination C attached to a low bandwidth link as depicted below.


The congestion problem

To avoid congestion collapse, the hosts must regulate their transmission rate [21] by using a congestion control mechanism. Such a mechanism can be implemented in the transport layer or in the network layer. In TCP/IP networks, it is implemented in the transport layer, but other technologies such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) or Frame Relay include congestion control mechanisms in lower layers.

Let us first consider the simple problem of a set of i hosts that share a single bottleneck link as shown in the example above. In this network, the congestion control scheme must achieve the following objectives [CJ1989] :

  1. The congestion control scheme must avoid congestion. In practice, this means that the bottleneck link cannot be overloaded. If r_i(t) is the transmission rate allocated to host i at time t and R the bandwidth of the bottleneck link, then the congestion control scheme should ensure that, on average, \forall{t} \sum{r_i(t)} \le R.
  2. The congestion control scheme must be efficient. The bottleneck link is usually both a shared and an expensive resource. Usually, bottleneck links are wide area links that are much more expensive to upgrade than the local area networks. The congestion control scheme should ensure that such links are efficiently used. Mathematically, the control scheme should ensure that \forall{t} \sum{r_i(t)} \approx R.
  3. The congestion control scheme should be fair. Most congestion schemes aim at achieving max-min fairness. An allocation of transmission rates to sources is said to be max-min fair if :
  • no link in the network is congested
  • the rate allocated to source j cannot be increased without decreasing the rate allocated to a source i whose allocation is smaller than the rate allocated to source j [Leboudec2008] .

Depending on the network, a max-min fair allocation may not always exist. In practice, max-min fairness is an ideal objective that cannot necessarily be achieved. When there is a single bottleneck link as in the example above, max-min fairness implies that each source should be allocated the same transmission rate.

To visualise the different rate allocations, it is useful to consider the graph shown below. In this graph, we plot on the x-axis (resp. y-axis) the rate allocated to host B (resp. A). A point in the graph (r_B,r_A) corresponds to a possible allocation of the transmission rates. Since there is a 2 Mbps bottleneck link in this network, the graph can be divided into two regions. The lower left part of the graph contains all allocations (r_B,r_A) such that the bottleneck link is not congested (r_A+r_B<2). The right border of this region is the efficiency line, i.e. the set of allocations that completely utilise the bottleneck link (r_A+r_B=2). Finally, the fairness line is the set of fair allocations.


Possible allocated transmission rates

As shown in the graph above, a rate allocation may be fair but not efficient (e.g. r_A=0.7,r_B=0.7), fair and efficient ( e.g. r_A=1,r_B=1) or efficient but not fair (e.g. r_A=1.5,r_B=0.5). Ideally, the allocation should be both fair and efficient. Unfortunately, maintaining such an allocation with fluctuations in the number of flows that use the network is a challenging problem. Furthermore, there might be several thousands of TCP connections or more that pass through the same link [22].

To deal with these fluctuations in demand, which result in fluctuations in the available bandwidth, computer networks use a congestion control scheme. This congestion control scheme should achieve the three objectives listed above. Some congestion control schemes rely on a close cooperation between the endhosts and the routers, while others are mainly implemented on the endhosts with limited support from the routers.

A congestion control scheme can be modelled as an algorithm that adapts the transmission rate (r_i(t)) of host i based on the feedback received from the network. Different types of feedbacks are possible. The simplest scheme is a binary feedback [CJ1989] [Jacobson1988] where the hosts simply learn whether the network is congested or not. Some congestion control schemes allow the network to regularly send an allocated transmission rate in Mbps to each host [BF1995].

Let us focus on the binary feedback scheme which is the most widely used today. Intuitively, the congestion control scheme should decrease the transmission rate of a host when congestion has been detected in the network, in order to avoid congestion collapse. Furthermore, the hosts should increase their transmission rate when the network is not congested. Otherwise, the hosts would not be able to efficiently utilise the network. The rate allocated to each host fluctuates with time, depending on the feedback received from the network. The figure below illustrates the evolution of the transmission rates allocated to two hosts in our simple network. Initially, two hosts have a low allocation, but this is not efficient. The allocations increase until the network becomes congested. At this point, the hosts decrease their transmission rate to avoid congestion collapse. If the congestion control scheme works well, after some time the allocations should become both fair and efficient.


Evolution of the transmission rates

Various types of rate adaption algorithms are possible. Dah Ming Chiu and Raj Jain have analysed, in [CJ1989], different types of algorithms that can be used by a source to adapt its transmission rate to the feedback received from the network. Intuitively, such a rate adaptation algorithm increases the transmission rate when the network is not congested (ensure that the network is efficiently used) and decrease the transmission rate when the network is congested (to avoid congestion collapse).

The simplest form of feedback that the network can send to a source is a binary feedback (the network is congested or not congested). In this case, a linear rate adaptation algorithm can be expressed as :

  • rate(t+1)=\alpha_C + \beta_C rate(t) when the network is congested
  • rate(t+1)=\alpha_N + \beta_N rate(t) when the network is not congested

With a linear adaption algorithm, \alpha_C,\alpha_N, \beta_C and \beta_N are constants. The analysis of [CJ1989] shows that to be fair and efficient, such a binary rate adaption mechanism must rely on Additive Increase and Multiplicative Decrease. When the network is not congested, the hosts should slowly increase their transmission rate (\beta_N=1~and~\alpha_N>0). When the network is congested, the hosts must multiplicatively decrease their transmission rate (\beta_C < 1~and~\alpha_C = 0). Such an AIMD rate adaptation algorithm can be implemented by the pseudo-code below

# Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease
if congestion :
   rate=rate*betaC    # multiplicative decrease, betaC<1
   rate=rate+alphaN    # additive increase, v0>0


Which binary feedback ?

Two types of binary feedback are possible in computer networks. A first solution is to rely on implicit feedback. This is the solution chosen for TCP. TCP’s congestion control scheme [Jacobson1988] does not require any cooperation from the router. It only assumes that they use buffers and that they discard packets when there is congestion. TCP uses the segment losses as an indication of congestion. When there are no losses, the network is assumed to be not congested. This implies that congestion is the main cause of packet losses. This is true in wired networks, but unfortunately not always true in wireless networks. Another solution is to rely on explicit feedback. This is the solution proposed in the DECBit congestion control scheme [RJ1995] and used in Frame Relay and ATM networks. This explicit feedback can be implemented in two ways. A first solution would be to define a special message that could be sent by routers to hosts when they are congested. Unfortunately, generating such messages may increase the amount of congestion in the network. Such a congestion indication packet is thus discouraged RFC 1812. A better approach is to allow the intermediate routers to indicate, in the packets that they forward, their current congestion status. Binary feedback can be encoded by using one bit in the packet header. With such a scheme, congested routers set a special bit in the packets that they forward while non-congested routers leave this bit unmodified. The destination host returns the congestion status of the network in the acknowledgements that it sends. Details about such a solution in IP networks may be found in RFC 3168. Unfortunately, as of this writing, this solution is still not deployed despite its potential benefits.

The TCP congestion control scheme was initially proposed by Van Jacobson in [Jacobson1988]. The current specification may be found in RFC 5681. TCP relies on Additive Increase and Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD). To implement AIMD, a TCP host must be able to control its transmission rate. A first approach would be to use timers and adjust their expiration times in function of the rate imposed by AIMD. Unfortunately, maintaining such timers for a large number of TCP connections can be difficult. Instead, Van Jacobson noted that the rate of TCP congestion can be artificially controlled by constraining its sending window. A TCP connection cannot send data faster than \frac{window}{rtt} where window is the maximum between the host’s sending window and the window advertised by the receiver.

TCP’s congestion control scheme is based on a congestion window. The current value of the congestion window (cwnd) is stored in the TCB of each TCP connection and the window that can be used by the sender is constrained by min(cwnd,rwin,swin) where swin is the current sending window and rwin the last received receive window. The Additive Increase part of the TCP congestion control increments the congestion window by MSS bytes every round-trip-time. In the TCP literature, this phase is often called the congestion avoidance phase. The Multiplicative Decrease part of the TCP congestion control divides the current value of the congestion window once congestion has been detected.

When a TCP connection begins, the sending host does not know whether the part of the network that it uses to reach the destination is congested or not. To avoid causing too much congestion, it must start with a small congestion window. [Jacobson1988] recommends an initial window of MSS bytes. As the additive increase part of the TCP congestion control scheme increments the congestion window by MSS bytes every round-trip-time, the TCP connection may have to wait many round-trip-times before being able to efficiently use the available bandwidth. This is especially important in environments where the bandwidth \times rtt product is high. To avoid waiting too many round-trip-times before reaching a congestion window that is large enough to efficiently utilise the network, the TCP congestion control scheme includes the slow-start algorithm. The objective of the TCP slow-start is to quickly reach an acceptable value for the cwnd. During slow-start, the congestion window is doubled every round-trip-time. The slow-start algorithm uses an additional variable in the TCB : sshtresh (slow-start threshold). The ssthresh is an estimation of the last value of the cwnd that did not cause congestion. It is initialised at the sending window and is updated after each congestion event.

In practice, a TCP implementation considers the network to be congested once its needs to retransmit a segment. The TCP congestion control scheme distinguishes between two types of congestion :

  • mild congestion. TCP considers that the network is lightly congested if it receives three duplicate acknowledgements and performs a fast retransmit. If the fast retransmit is successful, this implies that only one segment has been lost. In this case, TCP performs multiplicative decrease and the congestion window is divided by 2. The slow-start threshold is set to the new value of the congestion window.
  • severe congestion. TCP considers that the network is severely congested when its retransmission timer expires. In this case, TCP retransmits the first segment, sets the slow-start threshold to 50% of the congestion window. The congestion window is reset to its initial value and TCP performs a slow-start.

The figure below illustrates the evolution of the congestion window when there is severe congestion. At the beginning of the connection, the sender performs slow-start until the first segments are lost and the retransmission timer expires. At this time, the ssthresh is set to half of the current congestion window and the congestion window is reset at one segment. The lost segments are retransmitted as the sender again performs slow-start until the congestion window reaches the sshtresh. It then switches to congestion avoidance and the congestion window increases linearly until segments are lost and the retransmission timer expires ...


Evaluation of the TCP congestion window with severe congestion

The figure below illustrates the evolution of the congestion window when the network is lightly congested and all lost segments can be retransmitted using fast retransmit. The sender begins with a slow-start. A segment is lost but successfully retransmitted by a fast retransmit. The congestion window is divided by 2 and the sender immediately enters congestion avoidance as this was a mild congestion.


Evaluation of the TCP congestion window when the network is lightly congested

Most TCP implementations update the congestion window when they receive an acknowledgement. If we assume that the receiver acknowledges each received segment and the sender only sends MSS sized segments, the TCP congestion control scheme can be implemented using the simplified pseudo-code [23] below

# Initialisation
cwnd = MSS;
ssthresh= swin;

# Ack arrival
if tcp.ack > snd.una :  # new ack, no congestion
   if  cwnd < ssthresh :
     # slow-start : increase quickly cwnd
     # double cwnd  every rtt
     cwnd = cwnd + MSS
     # congestion avoidance : increase slowly cwnd
     # increase cwnd by one mss every rtt
     cwnd = cwnd+ mss*(mss/cwnd)
else: # duplicate or old ack
   if tcp.ack==snd.una:    # duplicate acknowledgement
     if dupacks==3:
       # ack for old segment, ignored

Expiration of the retransmission timer:
 send(snd.una)     # retransmit first lost segment

Furthermore when a TCP connection has been idle for more than its current retransmission timer, it should reset its congestion window to the congestion window size that it uses when the connection begins, as it no longer knows the current congestion state of the network.


Initial congestion window

The original TCP congestion control mechanism proposed in [Jacobson1988] recommended that each TCP connection should begin by setting cwnd=MSS. However, in today’s higher bandwidth networks, using such a small initial congestion window severely affects the performance for short TCP connections, such as those used by web servers. Since the publication of RFC 3390, TCP hosts are allowed to use an initial congestion window of about 4 KBytes, which corresponds to 3 segments in many environments.

Thanks to its congestion control scheme, TCP adapts its transmission rate to the losses that occur in the network. Intuitively, the TCP transmission rate decreases when the percentage of losses increases. Researchers have proposed detailed models that allow the prediction of the throughput of a TCP connection when losses occur [MSMO1997] . To have some intuition about the factors that affect the performance of TCP, let us consider a very simple model. Its assumptions are not completely realistic, but it gives us good intuition without requiring complex mathematics.

This model considers a hypothetical TCP connection that suffers from equally spaced segment losses. If p is the segment loss ratio, then the TCP connection successfully transfers \frac{1}{p}-1 segments and the next segment is lost. If we ignore the slow-start at the beginning of the connection, TCP in this environment is always in congestion avoidance as there are only isolated losses that can be recovered by using fast retransmit. The evolution of the congestion window is thus as shown in the figure below. Note the that x-axis of this figure represents time measured in units of one round-trip-time, which is supposed to be constant in the model, and the y-axis represents the size of the congestion window measured in MSS-sized segments.


Evolution of the congestion window with regular losses

As the losses are equally spaced, the congestion window always starts at some value (\frac{W}{2}), and is incremented by one MSS every round-trip-time until it reaches twice this value (W). At this point, a segment is retransmitted and the cycle starts again. If the congestion window is measured in MSS-sized segments, a cycle lasts \frac{W}{2} round-trip-times. The bandwidth of the TCP connection is the number of bytes that have been transmitted during a given period of time. During a cycle, the number of segments that are sent on the TCP connection is equal to the area of the yellow trapeze in the figure. Its area is thus :

area=(\frac{W}{2})^2 + \frac{1}{2} \times (\frac{W}{2})^2 = \frac{3 \times W^2}{8}

However, given the regular losses that we consider, the number of segments that are sent between two losses (i.e. during a cycle) is by definition equal to \frac{1}{p}. Thus, W=\sqrt{\frac{8}{3 \times p}}=\frac{k}{\sqrt{p}}. The throughput (in bytes per second) of the TCP connection is equal to the number of segments transmitted divided by the duration of the cycle :

Throughput=\frac{area \times MSS}{time} = \frac{ \frac{3 \times W^2}{8}}{\frac{W}{2} \times rtt} or, after having eliminated W, Throughput=\sqrt{\frac{3}{2}} \times \frac{MSS}{rtt \times \sqrt{p}}

More detailed models and the analysis of simulations have shown that a first order model of the TCP throughput when losses occur was Throughput \approx \frac{k \times MSS}{rtt \times \sqrt{p}}. This is an important result which shows that :

  • TCP connections with a small round-trip-time can achieve a higher throughput than TCP connections having a longer round-trip-time when losses occur. This implies that the TCP congestion control scheme is not completely fair since it favors the connections that have the shorter round-trip-time
  • TCP connections that use a large MSS can achieve a higher throughput that the TCP connections that use a shorter MSS. This creates another source of unfairness between TCP connections. However, it should be noted that today most hosts are using almost the same MSS, roughly 1460 bytes.

In general, the maximum throughput that can be achieved by a TCP connection depends on its maximum window size and the round-trip-time if there are no losses. If there are losses, it depends on the MSS, the round-trip-time and the loss ratio.

Throughput<min(\frac{window}{rtt},\frac{k \times MSS}{rtt \times \sqrt{p}})


The TCP congestion control zoo

The first TCP congestion control scheme was proposed by Van Jacobson in [Jacobson1988]. In addition to writing the scientific paper, Van Jacobson also implemented the slow-start and congestion avoidance schemes in release 4.3 Tahoe of the BSD Unix distributed by the University of Berkeley. Later, he improved the congestion control by adding the fast retransmit and the fast recovery mechanisms in the Reno release of 4.3 BSD Unix. Since then, many researchers have proposed, simulated and implemented modifications to the TCP congestion control scheme. Some of these modifications are still used today, e.g. :

  • NewReno (RFC 3782), which was proposed as an improvement of the fast recovery mechanism in the Reno implementation
  • TCP Vegas, which uses changes in the round-trip-time to estimate congestion in order to avoid it [BOP1994]
  • CUBIC, which was designed for high bandwidth links and is the default congestion control scheme in the Linux 2.6.19 kernel [HRX2008]
  • Compound TCP, which was designed for high bandwidth links is the default congestion control scheme in several Microsoft operating systems [STBT2009]

A search of the scientific literature (RFC 6077) will probably reveal more than 100 different variants of the TCP congestion control scheme. Most of them have only been evaluated by simulations. However, the TCP implementation in the recent Linux kernels supports several congestion control schemes and new ones can be easily added. We can expect that new TCP congestion control schemes will always continue to appear.


[1]A detailed presentation of all standardisation documents concerning TCP may be found in RFC 4614
[2]Several researchers have analysed the utilisation of TCP and UDP in the global Internet. Most of these studies have been performed by collecting all the packets transmitted over a given link during a period of a few hours or days and then analysing their headers to infer the transport protocol used, the type of application, ... Recent studies include, or
[3]This 32 bits counter was specified in RFC 793. A 32 bits counter that is incremented every 4 microseconds wraps in about 4.5 hours. This period is much larger than the Maximum Segment Lifetime that is fixed at 2 minutes in the Internet (RFC 791, RFC 1122).
[4]On many departmental networks containing Unix workstations, it was common to allow users on one of the hosts to use rlogin RFC 1258 to run commands on any of the workstations of the network without giving any password. In this case, the remote workstation “authenticated” the client host based on its IP address. This was a bad practice from a security viewpoint.
[5]Of course, such a simultaneous TCP establishment can only occur if the source port chosen by the client is equal to the destination port chosen by the server. This may happen when a host can serve both as a client as a server or in peer-to-peer applications when the communicating hosts do not use ephemeral port numbers.
[6]Sending a packet with a different source IP address than the address allocated to the host is called sending a spoofed packet.
[7]The full list of all TCP options may be found at
[8]In practice, only the SYN segment do not have their ACK flag set.
[9]A complete TCP implementation contains additional information in its TCB, notably to support the urgent pointer. However, this part of TCP is not discussed in this book. Refer to RFC 793 and RFC 2140 for more details about the TCB.
[10]In theory, TCP implementations could send segments as large as the MSS advertised by the remote host during connection establishment. In practice, most implementations use as MSS the minimum between the received MSS and their own MSS. This avoids fragmentation in the underlying IP layer and is discussed in the next chapter.
[11]This TCP segment is then placed in an IP header. We describe IPv4 and IPv6 in the next chapter. The minimum size of the IPv4 (resp. IPv6) header is 20 bytes (resp. 40 bytes).
[12]When these measurements were taken, some hosts had a default MSS of 552 bytes (e.g. BSD Unix derivatives) or 536 bytes (the default MSS specified in RFC 793). Today, most TCP implementation derive the MSS from the maximum packet size of the LAN interface they use (Ethernet in most cases).
[13]A precise estimation of the maximum bandwidth that can be achieved by a TCP connection should take into account the overhead of the TCP and IP headers as well.
[14]See for more information on how to tune a TCP implementation
[15]In theory, a TCP implementation could store the timestamp of each data segment transmitted and compute a new estimate for the round-trip-time upon reception of the corresponding acknowledgement. However, using such frequent measurements introduces a lot of noise in practice and many implementations still measure the round-trip-time once per round-trip-time by recording the transmission time of one segment at a time RFC 2988
[16]Some security experts have raised concerns that using the real-time clock to set the TSval in the timestamp option can leak information such as the system’s up-time. Solutions proposed to solve this problem may be found in [CNPI09]
[17]As a TCP client often establishes several parallel or successive connections with the same server, RFC 2140 has proposed to reuse for a new connection some information that was collected in the TCB of a previous connection, such as the measured rtt. However, this solution has not been widely implemented.
[18]If the destination is using delayed acknowledgements, the sending host sends two data segments after each acknowledgement.
[19]We discuss in another chapter other possible organisations of the router’s buffers.
[20]At this time, TCP implementations were mainly following RFC 793. The round-trip-time estimations and the retransmission mechanisms were very simple. TCP was improved after the publication of [Jacobson1988]
[21]In this section, we focus on congestion control mechanisms that regulate the transmission rate of the hosts. Other types of mechanisms have been proposed in the literature. For example, credit-based flow-control has been proposed to avoid congestion in ATM networks [KR1995]. With a credit-based mechanism, hosts can only send packets once they have received credits from the routers and the credits depend on the occupancy of the router’s buffers.
[23]In this pseudo-code, we assume that TCP uses unlimited sequence and acknowledgement numbers. Furthermore, we do not detail how the cwnd is adjusted after the retransmission of the lost segment by fast retransmit. Additional details may be found in RFC 5681.

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