Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice

Configuring IPv6

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Configuring IPv6


This is an unpolished draft of the second edition of this ebook. If you find any error or have suggestions to improve the text, please create an issue via

During the previous labs, you have mainly used existing netkit labs to understand transport layer protocols such as TCP and UDP. This is one usage of netkit, but not the most interesting one. An advantage of netkit compared to the utilisation of real networking devices is that it allows you to build quickly a network, configure it and test its operation. The netkit manpages, available from provide many details on the operation of netkit

netkit is composed of a set of scripts that read configuration files and allow you to run scripts and copy files on the virtual machines that represent the routers and the switches. All the information about a netkit lab resides in a directory. The first file in such a directory is the lab.conf file. This file is a text file that describes the network topology that you want to emulate.

graph foo {
   hostA [color=white, shape=box label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0"><TR><TD width="45" height="60" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/host.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>hostA [2001:db8:be:feed::AA]</td></TR>
   hostB [color=white, shape=box label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0"><TR><TD width="45" height="60" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/host.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>hostB [2001:db8:be:beef::BB]</td></TR>
   hostC [color=white, shape=box label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0"><TR><TD width="45" height="60" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/host.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>hostC [2001:db8:be:b00b::CC]</td></TR>
   r1[shape=box, color=white, label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0">
                    <TR><TD width="75" height="30" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/router.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>r1</td></TR>
   r2[shape=box, color=white, label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0">
                    <TR><TD width="75" height="30" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/router.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>r2</td></TR>
   r3[shape=box, color=white, label=<<TABLE border="0" cellborder="0">
                    <TR><TD width="75" height="30" fixedsize="true"><IMG SRC="icons/router.png" scale="true"/></TD></TR><TR><td>r3</td></TR>
   hostA--r1 [label="A"];
   hostB--r2 [label="B"];
   hostC--r3 [label="C"];
   r1--r2 [label="r12"];
   r2--r3 [label="r23"];
   r3--r1 [label="r13"];

The network above, with three hosts and three routers can be represented by the following lab.conf file.

# Header
LAB_DESCRIPTION="Lab to understand the basics of IPv6"
# List of virtual machines in the lab
machines="hostA hostB hostC r1 r2 r3"
# First host, 64 MBytes of RAM
# The link between hostA and r1 ends on interface 0 on hostA and r1
# The link between hostB and r2
# The link between hostC and r3
# The link between r1 and r2
# The link between r1 and r3
# The link between r2 and r3

To build your own lab, you need to first define the subnetworks that compose the lab. Each subnetwork is identified by a label (A for the subnetwork between hostA and r1). Then, you connect each subnetwork to an interface on a host or router. Each interface is identified by a unique integer. The first interface has number 0, the second number 1, ... In the virtual machine, interface 0 corresponds to interface eth0. By default, a virtual machine has 32 Mbytes of virtual memory. If you need more memory, for example to run tcpdump, you can extend it with the [M] parameter. Other parameters are described in the netkit man pages.


Big brother in your emulated network

In some scenarios, it might be interesting to have a virtual machine that is present on all links inside the emulated network. This virtual machine could allow you to easily collect packets on any link in the network. For example, if you would like to add such a monitoring machine in the network above, you could add the following configuration.

# Add nsa to list of machines
machines="hostA hostB hostC r1 r2 r3 nsa"
# NSA can capture all packets
# To analyze all these packets, NSA needs memory

The above lab.conf file defines the network topology and the configuration of the virtual machines. To allow lstart to start the lab, you need to create a directory for each virtual machine and a startup script. The directory is named machine where machine is the name chosen for the virtual machine. The startup script is specific for each virtual machine and is called machine.startup. For example, to create these directories and files, you could run the following bash script in the directory where the lab.conf file is stored.

for vm in hostA hostB hostC r1 r2 r3
  mkdir $vm
  touch $vm.startup

With these files, you can start the lab, but the virtual machines need to be configured before you can exchange packets. For this, you need first to manually assign IPv6 addresses. On Linux, IP addresses are configured by using the ifconfig(8) command [1]. This command takes a lot of parameters. A typical usage is the following :

# enable interface eth0
ifconfig eth0 up
# add one IPv6 address on this interface
ifconfig eth0 add 2001:db8:be:feed::AA/64

The first command above activates interface eth0. This command is mandatory before the interface can send/receive packets. The second command configures the IPv6 address associated to this interface. An IPv6 address is always composed of two parts :

  • a subnet identifier
  • a host identifier

The subnet identifier are the high order bits of the IPv6 address. They identify the subnet to which the interface is connected. In the example above, the subnet is 64 bits long and is 2001:db8:be:feed. All IPv6 addresses that belong to this subnet can be reached by using the attached subnetwork (i.e. through the datalink layer) without passing through an intermediate router. The low order bits of the address represent the host identifier (::AA in the above configuration) inside the subnet.

Your first objective is to configure the IPv6 addresses of the three endhosts based on the information in the figure above. For this lab, we use only 64 bits subnets. Once an IPv6 address has been configured, you can verify that it is reachable from the host where it has been configured by issuing a ping6(8) command towards this address on this host.

Once IPv6 has been configured on the endhosts, you need to configure the IPv6 addresses on the three routers. Start by configuring the IPv6 addresses on the interfaces eth0 of these routers. For this, select one identifier in the subnetwork attached to each host and assign one host identifier to the attached router.

The next step is to configure the IPv6 addresses on the links between the routers. Select one subnetwork identifier starting from 2001:db8: for each inter-router subnetwork and configure the IPv6 addresses on the two attached routers.

At this point, all IPv6 addresses should have been configured. Make sure that you recorded in a text file all the commands that you typed. They will be necessary later on to automate the creation of the lab. A good idea would be to create an /etc/hosts file that contains the mapping between names and all assigned IPv6 addresses. This file is a text file such as the one below.

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##       localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost
2001:db8:be:beef::AA      hostA
2001:db8:be:feed::BB      hostB
2001:db8:be:b00b::CC      hostC

Add to the file above the IPv6 addresses that you have configured for the routers. Make sure that a different name is used for each address chosen for a router. This file has the format of the /etc/hosts that provides name to address mappings when DNS is not in operation (as in this lab since we did not configure any DNS server). You can copy this file on all virtual hosts to have the list of all adresses on each host.

At this point, you have configured all IPv6 addresses, but there are still no routes. Without routes, packets will not be forwarded in the network. You need to manually configure the forwarding tables on the hosts and the routers.

On the hosts, configuring the routing table is simple. You simply need to add a default route towards the router that is directly connected to the host. This can be done by using the route(8) command [1].

#route -A inet6 add default gw 2001:db8:be:feed::11

The commande above adds a default route, i.e. a route towards ::/0 in the IPv6 routing table (parameter -A inet6) that points to router (gw or gateway is an old synonym for router) 2001:db8:be:feed::11. This command can be issued on hostA and router r1 must have been configured with address 2001:db8:be:feed::11. You can now add a default route on all virtual hosts.

You can verify that these routes have been inserted in the routing tables by inspecting them with the ip(8) or route(8) command.

The next step is to configure the routes on the three routers. For this, you need to first decide the paths that you want to use and make sure that all routers have a route towards at least the subnets attached to the endhosts.

A first approach is to use shortest path routing. In this case, you need to make sure that :

  • r1 has a route to 2001:db8:be:beef/64 via r2
  • r3 has a route to 2001:db8:be:beef/64 via r2
  • r2 has a route to 2001:db8:be:feed/64 via r1
  • r3 has a route to 2001:db8:be:feed/64 via r1
  • r1 has a route to 2001:db8:be:b00b/64 via r3
  • r2 has a route to 2001:db8:be:b00b/64 via r3

When you configure such a route, make sure that you use the correct IPv6 address of the gateway. For example, to configure the first route above on r1, you might issue a command such as :

/sbin/route -A inet6 add 2001:db8:be:feed/64 gw 2001:db8:bad:1212::22

Assuming that subnet 2001:db8:bad:1212/64 has been used on the link between r1 and r2 and that the address of r2 on this subnet is 2001:db8:bad:1212::22.


Asymmetric paths

Note that when manually configuring the routes as above, nothing forces you to use symmetric routes. For example, the following paths could be configured in the network above.

  • r1 has a route to 2001:db8:be:beef/64 via r2
  • r3 has a route to 2001:db8:be:beef/64 via r1
  • r2 has a route to 2001:db8:be:feed/64 via r3
  • r3 has a route to 2001:db8:be:feed/64 via r1
  • r1 has a route to 2001:db8:be:b00b/64 via r2
  • r2 has a route to 2001:db8:be:b00b/64 via r3

Feel free to configure such paths in a different lab.

Before testing the lab, make sure that the three routers are configured to forward IPv6 packets, i.e. act as routers. By default, Linux virtual machines are configured as endhosts and do not forward IPv6 packets. You can change this configuration by issuing the following sysctl :

sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

Now, you are ready to test the correct operation of your emulated network. For this, you can use the two most common network debugging tools :

  • ping6(8)
  • traceroute6(8)

ping6(8) sends an ICMP Echo request to a given destination address. If ping6(8) succeeds, this indicates that both the forward and backward paths operate correctly. traceroute6(8) sends UDP segments with different HopLimit values to discover the routers on a path towards a given destination address. If ping6(8) and traceroute6(8) succeed between all pairs of hosts, your network is correctly configured. Otherwise, try to find the missing or buggy configuration and correct it.

Configuring a network manually takes some time and requires many commands. You probably do not want to issue all these commands each time you start a netkit lab. netkit helps you to automate the configuration of the virtual machines with two simple tools.

The first way to automate a lab is the startup script. A startup script is a simple shell script that is launched automatically by netkit once a virtual machine has booted. This script is named machine.startup where machine is the name of the virtual machine. It is placed in the directory that contains the lab.conf file.

The second way to automate a lab is by automatically copying files on the virtual machines. For each virtual machine, you can provide a hierarchy of directories and files that will be copied by netkit when the virtual machine starts. For example, if you want to place the hosts file automatically as /etc/hosts on virtual machine hostA, issue the following commands from the directory that contains lab.conf.

mkdir hostA
cd hostA
mkdir etc
cd etc
cp ../../hosts .

These commands create the hostA/etc directory and copy the hosts file that we created earlier at its final location. This file will be copied as /etc/hosts in the filesystem used by virtual machine hostA.


ICMPv6 RFC 4443, the Internet Control Message Protocol, is a key companion to IPv6. ICMPv6 can report to the sender various types of errors that can occur during the transmission of a packet. traceroute6(8) exploits one of these messages to determine the path followed by packets towards a given destination.

To demonstrate your understanding of ICMPv6, prepare a lab with a few hosts and routers, prepare and test a scenario that uses a few commands that would cause a host or router to generate one of the following ICMPv6 error messages :

  • Destination Unreachable (but not from a router directly connected to the source of the packet)

    • Code 0 : No route to destination
    • Code 3 : Address unreachable
    • Code 4 : Port unreachable
  • Packet Too Big (with UDP segments and TCP segments)

  • Time Exceeded message (but only Code 1 - Fragment reassembly time exceeded)

Provide in your report a short text that explains why the ICMPv6 error message is generated and show a tcpdump output containing this message.


[1](1, 2) You can use the ip command instead of ifconfig(8) or route(8). See the Linux IPv6 Howto for additional information.

Verify your answers

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