Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice

Port forwarding tables

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Port forwarding tables

Port forwarding tables are used in tree-shaped networks to automatically build the forwarding tables that allow the network nodes to forward packets towards their destinations.

  1. Consider the tree-shaped network shown in the figure below. Assume that the port-forwarding tables are as shown in the figure.

\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\tikzset{router/.style = {rectangle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{host/.style = {circle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{ftable/.style={rectangle, dashed, draw} }
\node[host] (A) {A};
\node[router, right=of A] (R1) { R1 };
\node[ftable, above=of R1] (FR1) { \begin{tabular}{l|l}
Dest. & OutPort  \\
A & W \\
\node[router,right=of R1] (R2) {R2};
\node[ftable, right=of R2] (FR2) { \begin{tabular}{l|l}
Dest. & OutPort \\
A & W \\
\node[router,below=of R1] (R3) {R3};
\node[ftable, below=of R3] (FR3) { \begin{tabular}{l|l}
Dest. & OutPort \\
A & N  \\
\node[host, right=of R3] (B) {B};
\node[host, left=of R3] (C) {C};

(A) edge (R1)
(R1) edge (R2)
(R1) edge (R3)
(R3) edge (B)
(C) edge (R3);

\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR1) -- (R1);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR2) -- (R2);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR3) -- (R3);

Which of the following affirmations are true ?

If C sends a packet towards A, R3 will immediately forward it on its North interface
If B sends a packet towards C, R3 will immediately forward it on its West interface
If A sends a packet towards C, R1 will send it to both its East and South interfaces.
If A sends a packet towards B, R1 will send it to both its East and South interfaces.

If A sends a packet towards B, R1 will send it only to its East interface.

If A sends a packet towards C, R1 will send it only to its South interface.

If R1 receives from R3 a packet whose destination is A, it sends it on both its West and East interfaces.
  1. Consider the tree-shaped network shown in the figure below. Assume that A has sent a packet towards B but B has not yet replied.

\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\tikzset{router/.style = {rectangle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{host/.style = {circle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{ftable/.style={rectangle, dashed, draw} }
\node[host] (A) {A};
\node[router, right=of A] (R1) { R1 };
\node[ftable, above=of R1] (FR1) { \begin{tabular}{l|l}
Dest. & OutPort  \\
A & W \\
\node[router,right=of R1] (R2) {R2};
\node[ftable, right=of R2] (FR2) { \begin{tabular}{l|l}
Dest. & OutPort \\
A & W \\
\node[router,below=of R1] (R3) {R3};
\node[ftable, below=of R3] (FR3) { \begin{tabular}{l|l}
Dest. & OutPort \\
A & N  \\
\node[host, below=of R2] (B) {B};

(A) edge (R1)
(R1) edge (R2)
(R2) edge (R3)
(R2) edge (B);

\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR1) -- (R1);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR2) -- (R2);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR3) -- (R3);

`B` sends a reply to `A`. Which of the following affirmations are true ?

Upon reception of this packet, the port forwarding table of R3 will be updated as :

Dest. OutPort

Upon reception of this packet, the port forwarding table of R1 will be updated as :

Dest. OutPort

Upon reception of this packet, the port forwarding table of R2 will be updated as :

Dest. OutPort
The port forwarding table of R2 will never be updated with information about destination B.

Upon reception of this packet, the port forwarding table of R3 will be updated as :

Dest. OutPort

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