Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice

Virtual circuits

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Virtual circuits

  1. In a network that uses virtual circuits, the forwarding paths depend on the label tables installed inside each network node.

\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\tikzset{router/.style = {rectangle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{host/.style = {circle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{ftable/.style={rectangle, dashed, draw} }
\node[host] (A) {A};
\node[router, right=of A] (R1) { R1 };
\node[ftable, above=of R1] (FR1) { \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}
InLabel & OutPort & OutLabel \\
1 & E & 2 \\
2 & W & 1 \\
3 & S & 3 \\
\node[router,right=of R1] (R2) {R2};
\node[ftable, right=of R2] (FR2) { \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}
InLabel & OutPort & OutLabel \\
1 & S-W & 4 \\
2 & W & 2 \\
\node[router,below=of R1] (R3) {R3};
\node[ftable, below=of R3] (FR3) { \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}
InLabel & OutPort & OutLabel \\
1 & N-E & 1 \\
3 & N-E & 2 \\
4 & E & 1 \\
\node[host, right=of R3] (B) {B};
(A) edge (R1)
(R1) edge (R2)
(R2) edge (R3)
(R1) edge (R3)
(R3) edge (B);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR1) -- (R1);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR2) -- (R2);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR3) -- (R3);

In this network, only one of the affirmations about the forwarding paths is correct. Which one ?

To reach B, A must send packets with label=2 and the path is R1->R2->R3
To reach A, B must send packets with label=3 and the path is R3->R2->R1

To reach B, A must send packets with label=3 and the path is R1->R3

To reach A, B must send packets with label=1 and the path is R3->R2->R1

  1. The forwarding paths used in a virtual circuits network depend on the label forwarding tables installed in the network nodes. Sometimes, these tables must be configured manually.

\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\tikzset{router/.style = {rectangle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{host/.style = {circle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{ftable/.style={rectangle, dashed, draw} }
\node[host] (A) {A};
\node[router, right=of A] (R1) { R1 };
\node[ftable, above=of R1] (FR1) { \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}
InLabel & OutPort & OutLabel \\
1 & W & 1 \\
2 & S & 1 \\
3 & E & 2 \\
\node[router,right=of R1] (R2) {R2};
\node[router,below=of R1] (R3) {R3};
\node[router,below=of R2] (R4) {R4};
\node[ftable, below right=of R4] (FR4) { \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}
InLabel & OutPort & OutLabel \\
1 & E & 1 \\
2 & N & 1 \\
3 & W & 3 \\
\node[host, right=of R4] (B) {B};
(A) edge (R1)
(R1) edge (R2)
(R2) edge (R3)
(R1) edge (R3)
(R4) edge (R3)
(R2) edge (R4)
(R4) edge (B);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR1) -- (R1);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR4) -- (R4);

In this network, which of the label forwarding tables below ensures that A and B can exchange packets in both directions.

To reach B, A sends packet with label=3. To reach A, B sends packets with label=2. New label forwarding table for R2:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
2 S 1
1 W 1

The label forwarding table for R3 remains empty.

To reach B, A sends packet with label=3. To reach A, B sends packets with label=3. New label forwarding table for R2:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
2 S-W 4

New label forwarding table for R3:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
4 E 1
3 N 1

To reach B, A sends packet with label=2. To reach A, B sends packets with label=1. New label forwarding table for R2:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
2 S 1
1 W 1

New label forwarding table for R3:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
2 E 1
1 N 1

To reach B, A sends packet with label=3. To reach A, B sends packets with label=2. New label forwarding table for R2:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
2 S-W 4
1 S-W 2

New label forwarding table for R3:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
4 E 1
2 E 2
  1. The forwarding paths used in a virtual circuits network depend on the label forwarding tables installed in the network nodes. Sometimes, these tables must be configured manually.

\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\tikzset{router/.style = {rectangle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{host/.style = {circle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, }
\tikzset{ftable/.style={rectangle, dashed, draw} }
\node[host] (A) {A};
\node[router, right=of A] (R1) { R1 };
\node[ftable, above=of R1] (FR1) { \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}
InLabel & OutPort & OutLabel \\
1 & W & 1 \\
2 & S & 2 \\
3 & E & 3 \\
\node[router,right=of R1] (R2) {R2};
\node[router,below=of R1] (R3) {R3};
\node[router,below=of R2] (R4) {R4};
\node[ftable, below right=of R4] (FR4) { \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}
InLabel & OutPort & OutLabel \\
1 & E & 4 \\
2 & N & 5 \\
3 & W & 6 \\
\node[host, right=of R4] (B) {B};
(A) edge (R1)
(R1) edge (R2)
(R2) edge (R3)
(R1) edge (R3)
(R4) edge (R3)
(R2) edge (R4)
(R4) edge (B);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR1) -- (R1);
\draw[arrow, dashed] (FR4) -- (R4);

In this network, which of the label forwarding tables below ensures that : both A and B can exchange packets in both directions and that the path from A to B is the reverse of the path from B to A

To reach B, A sends packets with label=2. To reach A, B sends packets with label=3. New label forwarding table for R3:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
2 E 1
6 N 1

New label forwarding table for R2:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
3 S-W 2
5 W 2

To reach B, A sends packets with label=3. To reach A, B sends packets with label=2. New label forwarding table for R2:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
5 W 1
3 S 1

New label forwarding table for R3:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
3 N-W 2
5 N 2

To reach B, A sends packets with label=2. To reach A, B sends packets with label=2. New label forwarding table for R2:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
5 W 1
6 S 1

New label forwarding table for R3:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
2 E 1
5 N 2

To reach B, A sends packets with label=3. To reach A, B sends packets with label=3. New label forwarding table for R2:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
5 W 1
3 S 1

New label forwarding table for R3:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
6 N-W 5
5 N 2

To reach B, A sends packets with label=2. To reach A, B sends packets with label=3. New label forwarding table for R2:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
2 S 1
1 W 1

New label forwarding table for R3:

InLabel OutPort OutLabel
6 N 1
1 E 1

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